Thursday, 31 August 2017

I see fire

(Dedicated to my dear dad Graham who would have turned 80 on the 2nd September 2017. Remembered with much love).
During the recent relocation of my mother into her new home we uncovered amongst her stored belongings an old thermette (the ultimate all-in-one outdoor kettle)…possibly mark II or III. A dearly loved item of a second generation pyromaniac. While beyond salvation, this rusty old item reignited happy memories of Sunday afternoon drives and riverside picnics. The family tradition of gathering sticks small enough to poke down the central funnel ensured that a warm cuppa rewarded our efforts whether it be scavenging through the riparian brambles for blackberries or plucking lichen from fence posts.
The lighting of the contents of this metal tower however would often be accompanied by the predictable overuse of “bugger it” and much mocking from the circling spectators. For successful combustion seemed to rely on an aligning of stars- a firm footing, clement weather and flammable flotsam. Added to this, the delicate blowing on the embers to initiate the ritual.
The picnic rug pivoted around this beaut little boiler to accommodate the shifts in wind and to escape the plume of smoke which billowed into our eyes as we waited for our brew. If by some misfortune the cavity was overfilled we would be treated to an eruption of spitting beads at the five minute mark. Now only if the damn thing could be manoeuvred to release its contents without third degree burns. Don’t be alarmed, dear readers. This task was reserved for the thermette queen with her subjects safely at five paces.
Ah, what could be better than a family outing, roadside foraging, fire, a fancy biscuit and a cup of tea? Happy days.

Sharon Cook

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