Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Ethically non-monogamous

Ethically non-monogamous. Jocelyn turned the phrase over and over again in her head. Not that she was surprised  – she had long suspected it, though certainly not ethically - (how typical of him to justify immorality with nobility) - she was relieved he had finally been honest about it.

Naturally there was the pain of confirmation of something she had never wanted confirmed , but something inside strangely let go. Now at least they could be honest and get on with whatever was going to come next.  He knew her well enough to know she sure as hell wasn’t going to Ibiza, but she had indeed been looking forward to romantic sunsets on the beach, listening to Blank and Jones (despite the math dissertations).

The afternoon sun encapsulated the car in heat, roasting her like an oven. She had read the email on her phone, noticing it just after buying the pink bikini – something she hoped would sort of spice things up. With the Macy’s bag beside her on the seat, she stared out the window, oblivious to the heat beginning to fog the windshield.

What next, sort of popped into mind. Maybe he did love her, but it wasn’t only her and he didn’t WANT it to be only her, more to the painful point….so now what?

Her thoughts turned to Anthony. She had met him only once – the only man she knew who loved cows as she did – yet the connection had been instant. Sure, they had shared texts and emails on an account she had created especially for him – but it was an innocent flirtation. Harmless, yet strangely satisfying.

OK, maybe she DID picture him once or twice during times perhaps she should not have, and at times toyed with the idea of strolling by the pasture during his afternoon run…..


“Dude.” The text message popped in. “What about the kids?”

She picked up the phone.

What about them?

Jasmin Webb

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