Sunday, 30 April 2017

Borders of nothingness: 92 adjectives

Yukio Tamura walked down the slope under the ragged line of pine trees. Beneath the trees were the tattered remains of a collapsed stone wall. The grass was long and green and was caught by the golden light of the Sun just above the westward hills.
Maybe on those distant hills some peasants were returning with their buffaloes from the paddies, but here Yukio Tamura was entirely alone.
Accepting, accidental, alone, ambiguous, anonymous, artless, austere, blurry, broken, calm, cheerless, chill, clean, coarse, comfortable, compact, contradictory, corroded, crude, dark, deep, degraded, delicate, desiccated, desolate, dim, discouraged, dispirited, earthy, egalitarian, elusive, enveloping.
The bark of the tree was rough and gnarled and patterned with deep fissures and, across the outer planes of its surface, the trunk was painted with a pale blue-green lichen. Yukio Tamura sat and leaned his back against the trunk, adjusted his robe and began to chant his sutras as the sky billowed with ochre, vermillion, heron blue, soft owl grey.
His devotions done, Yukio Tamura pulled from his bag a roasted beni-imo. With some hijiki seaweed and dried daikon it made a meal and the swampy pool nearby provided a drink flavoured with earth and decay.
Ephemeral, faint, fragile, fragmented, hidden, homely, humble, idiosyncratic, imperfect, impermanent, incomplete, inconspicuous, indigenous, indistinguishable, intuitive, invisible, inward, irregular, lean, lowly, melancholy, minor, miserable, misshapen, modest, mournful, murky, natural, obscure, organic, overlooked, private.
There were, no doubt, theologians who held that a monk should not possess a hare-fur blanket but they, no doubt, slept soundly at night on soft tatami matting under piles of brocade, beside a warm hibachi and beneath a waterproof roof.
Beyond the pool, the damp ground was thick with tall rushes. Yukio Tamura crawled – in the growing gloom – between the plants and found a long, decaying leaf. Standing, he took the tops of the rushes he could reach and tied the tops of the tall leaves together with his impromptu rope. He crawled into his ‘grass hut’ and wrapped his hare-fur blanket around him.
Quiet, restrained, rough, rusted, rustic, sad, secluded, simple, small, soft, subdued, tarnished, tender, tentative, tranquil, ugly, unassuming, unconventional, understated, unencumbered, unprepossessing, unpretentious, unrefined, unsophisticated, unstudied, vague, withered, womb-like.
After morning devotions, the sky was a pale eggshell blue trailing to yellow oxide. Mist clung to the hollows, and all the grass and weeds were hung with spiders’ webs tricked out in a billion fine water drops. A single black butterfly rowed its way up into the sky.
Yukio Tamura untied the strand of rush from the top of his ‘house’ and the house disappeared as the rushes returned to their former position.
As he walked away through the damp grass, Yukio Tamura left a trail of green through the silvered sward where his passage shook the thick dew from the grass. But already that trail was fading as the grass dried beneath the strengthening Sun.


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