Saturday, 30 December 2017

Three Ships

She had never been one for Santa and angels and dreams coming true, but she needed a miracle, it was true. Especially this year. So when the figure appeared to her that night, she had no choice.

It was Christmas Eve and after she had secretly delivered presents under the tree to surprise her mother the next morning, she was more tired than her age suggested. She had never been so tired. She was inwardly and out drained as if she had run marathon after marathon with all resources depleted, no juice left.

“Maybe I’m coming down with a cold, “she thought, so she made herself some Echinacea tea and, after saying her prayers, snuggled into bed, where her cat soon joined her.

“You look like you’re having a lovely sleep,” she heard from far away. “But you must wake up now.”

She was instantly awake, in that way one has of going from complete oblivion to total awareness when faced with something urgent.

“Sit up. “

She did as she was told, her heart racing, every sense aware. The cat had suddenly leapt off the bed and scooted out the door and the room was cold. She saw nothing, but she heard.

“You are at a crossroads. Come with me while I show you something.”

And like that, while her body sat on the bed, she was yanked from it, from inside out, and suddenly she was flying far far above the ground, through the sky, through the stars. Completely aware, completely conscious and free and light as a bird – a lightness that was impossible to describe. But she saw the houses, the streets, the trees – she saw it all like they show it in the movies and she marvelled that it really was like in the movies.

She was stopped over a huge body of water, on which sat three ships. One was sparkling with gold and diamonds, but it was leaking and sinking. One was a beautiful wood – sturdy, with intricate delicate curly designs along the outside - and the third, simple and empty.

“Why am I here?” she asked. “What are those ships?”

“The possibilities.”

She began to be lowered, slowly at first, then suddenly she was plummeting towards the ships at terrifying speed.

“What’s happening?” she cried. 


“Choose what?” she cried as she sped towards the ships.


“That one!” she uttered before she knew what she herself was talking about, and she instantly awoke.

The door creaked open and the cat scooted back in and jumped back up on the bed, while her heart continued to pound.

For several minutes she could not move or speak. Sweat beaded along her brow.

Then she heard it – music from the kitchen below:

“I saw three ships come sailing in
On Christmas Day on Christmas Day
I saw three ships come sailing in
On Christmas Day in the morning…”

Jasmin Webb

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