The school playground. June, 2005
“Pinky promise?”
“Pinky promise.” We both smiled. “Why
do you have to go?”
“Daddy wants us to move. But don’t
worry, mommy says we’ll have a bigger house and more toys so when you come,
we’ll play together!” She clapped her hands gleefully.
“Yay! I can’t wait!” And I hugged
We were only five, and neither of us
understood the concept of distance and the price of flights. We didn’t think
that we would not meet until today, almost 10 years later…
Starbucks. January, 2015
“One tall hot chocolate for Phillip!”
I looked up from my work and smiled at the barista. She was grinning at me,
still holding the beverage out towards me. As I got up, her smile didn’t falter
but only got larger.
“Thank you.”
“You know, I had a kindergarten
boyfriend named Phillip. I think I still have a picture of him, here,” She took
out her phone, unlocked it and searched through her gallery. I read her name
tag, Miranda J. That name sounded familiar. Could it be?
“This one, that’s Phillip. He’s
holding my hand.”
She let me hold her phone and zoom
in. It was her.
“Miranda Jess,” I gave her phone
back. “It’s me, Phillip.”
Her smile faded, her eyes searching
my face for any sign of humour. But I wasn’t joking, it was me!
“I thought you moved to the
Philippines in 2005!”
“I did! I came back last year, but I
didn’t think I would meet you again!” She came around to give me a hug, one
that I gladly accepted and returned. “I didn’t think…”
“Yes well, you did promise you’d
never take off our engagement ring,” I pointed to her left hand. “I suppose you
broke your promise.”
“If you think that 5-year-old
Miranda’s fingers haven’t grown…” she laughed.
“What time do you end your shift?”
She flashed a smile. “My shift ends
in 2 hours.”
“I’ll wait for you.”
“Is this a date?” Smirking, she
returned to her counter and read the drink description.
“Isn’t it?”
“Just you and me?” I nodded. “I don’t
kiss on the first date, you know.”
“Thankfully, this won’t be our first
date, will it?”
The ground shook slightly. I must be
nervous I thought, but why would I be nervous? It shook again, and this time
she felt it too, losing her balance slightly before looking up at me. The
tables started to rattle, plates slid and crashed to the floor. I looked
outside just as a violent tremor threw me down. Someone screamed, the ceiling
cracked above me and the lights violently swung from left to right. We were
biscuits in a tin can rattled by an angry god.
“Phillip!” I heard Miranda holler
before thudding. I turned my head, but I was on the floor and a counter was
separating us. I took whatever strength I could muster to crawl towards her and
hold her hand. I slipped on something, hot liquid and my knee grazed against
broken glass before I finally got to her.
“Shhh,” I cooed, bringing her under a
table and covering our heads.
“I don’t want to die!” She screamed
as the room was being turned upside down, with coffee scattered on the floor
and bodies thrown here and there. I was pretty sure all the plates and cutlery,
mugs and glasses were scattered on the floor, mixed with various liquids and
crumbs of food left uneaten.
“You won’t die,” I looked at her, my
vision hazy. “Not as long as I’m here. Not as long as we’re side by side.”
Katya Tjahaja
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