Sunday, 30 July 2017

Donald J. Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims

A golf course may appear to be nature, but only to the unconsidering eye. It is what Masanobu Fukuoka would call ‘imitation green’, it is nature oppressed, bent to the will of man. And not – thank God – the will of lumpen peasants raising Brussels sprouts and knobbly root vegetables, but to the will of old, rich, white, powerful men. O, how firm one feels surveying a golf course. All disorder, death, decay is banished; each tree, each smooth expanse of sward, the very contours placed and tended and controlled purely for one’s gratification.
And, O, if you own the golf course … and, O, if they call you the most powerful man in the world!
The Prince of effing Peace may have mumbled on about love but there are those that one inevitably hates, those one hopes the worst may befall – the undeserving and self-obsessed; privileged, arrogant and unconcerned by the situation of others; convinced that the world owes them a living and that everyone else should bow and bend to their indulgent whims; born on third base and thinking they hit a triple; life served up to them on a silver plate; a silver spoon in their mouth … people like … Afghan schoolgirls. Whiney, self-indulgent little pigs!
Andisha Dawlatzai climbed the slope behind the house in the dark. The hill was rough and seemed made all of sharp-edged rocks but her father would not countenance the wasting of kerosene by taking the lamp on a purposeless walk.
To the east, the sky was just beginning to lighten – the tones of hope rose slowly from the dark horizon promising a new day. The light caught Andisha’s desolate face. She whispered to the sky, ‘Huddu yaem tashreef-rawrhal’ – ‘I am not coming.’
‘The Young Robot-Builders of Afghanistan
Six teenage girls from Herat, ranging in age from 14 to 16, have been denied entry to the US to attend FIRST Global Challenge, a robotics competition in Washington to present robots designed to clean contaminated water …’

Barnaby McBryde

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